If you believe in yourself
Start your day with grace
The higher being sees it all
Whether you rise or fall
If you believe in yourself
Learn and grow for a lifetime
The divine being watches you
When you face the crossroads
If you believe in yourself
Choose a path to enlightenment
The guardian angel stays by you
When you feel sad and tearful
If you believe in yourself
Live your life with awareness
The higher power guides the way
With compassion and patience
If you believe in yourself
Be humble and sincere
Connect wholeheartedly with the divine
Find the truth of the universe
If you believe in yourself
Accept the fact of reincarnation
Eternal being with a human body
Endure the trials and tribulations
If you believe in yourself
Be courageous to challenges
Say NO to unfairness and injustice
Stop the karmic cycle permanently
If you believe in yourself
Have no fear of life and death
Understand the life cycle
Let go of anxious thoughts
If you believe in yourself
Don’t just be taught or told
Follow the cosmic intelligence
With faith and consciousness
If you believe in yourself
Trust your inner senses
Use your mindful imagination
To guide you through life on earth If you believe in yourself
Understand heaven on earth is real
Life is a magical journey
Experience wonders and mysteries
If you believe in yourself
Do not chase money or fame
Happiness is an authentic feeling
Only love leads to enlightenment
If you believe in yourself
Be free of misery and guilt
Place faith in yourself
And learn from life experiences

If you believe in yourself
Never lie or hide from the truth
Abandon ignorance and excuses
Live a life without regret If you believe in yourself
Realize yesterday is forever gone
Resent nothing from today
Cherish life with peace and a smile
If you believe in yourself
Trust that you are part of the divine
The source-power is everywhere
With your body, soul, and mind
If you believe in yourself
There is nothing to gain or lose
The earth is a stage for a life play
Directed by human beings
If you believe in yourself
Celebrate every single day
Find the truth of life and death
Overcome difficulties with courage
If you believe in yourself
Release your programed beliefs
Follow the law of cause and effect
Plant the seed of love and forgiveness
If you believe in yourself
Stop judgment and comparison
Always be grateful to others
Quantum leap to a joyful life
If you believe in yourself
Accept everything as a life task
Stop blaming others for suffering
Win the battle of birth and rebirth
If you believe in yourself
Think with positive thoughts
Pray faithfully to the source-power
The light shines bright with love
If you believe in yourself
Let go of ego and desire
Follow the divine steps
Transcend to enlightenment
If you believe in yourself
Worship no statues or names
The eternal power is inside you
With no beginning or end
If you believe in yourself
Be spiritual, not just religious
Religion teaches the basics
Enlightening by searching inside
If you believe in yourself
Let go of fake lies
Use your conscious mind
Evolve with pure love and light