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What Is Samadhi? (Part VI)

At the Samadhi state, there is no time nor space. Time and space are the ultimate creations of your mind; they do not exist after you transcend the mind beyond the physical limitation. There is no past or future either. Everything is here, at the present moment. Samadhi means there is no more duality between what is and what is not because you have crossed the boundaries of form, shape, attributes, or qualities. The moment you dissolve your human intellect in your mind, everything dissolves into one. The whole human existence is made of “that is” and “that is not” the former has structure, shape, quality, and beauty; the latter is free from these characteristics. Human consciousness shifts from here and there or from “that is” and “that is not.”

Samadhi means total freedom. Human beings have equal opportunities to experience Samadhi. It is just a matter of time when every soul on this planet gets to a state of boundless and eternal freedom. Meditation can liberate yourself from the basic process of existence, allowing the mind and fearful emotions to dissolve away gradually. Meditation has attributes and qualities, and Samadhi has no characteristics or qualities. Meditation can be pleasant, blissful, and ecstatic, but Samadhi is beyond delightful and pleasant. You cannot prepare for Samadhi, and it just happens without a reason or rationale. I do not recommend Samadhi practice, but I encourage daily meditation.

A person who experiences Samadhi always stays in a protected environment because his energy body has minimal contact with the physical body. The slightest disturbance like sound or a pinprick can dislodge the energy body from the physical body. A significant spiritual evolution will happen after a Samadhi experience, even if it is just for a few moments. Samadhi itself has no great significance; the ultimate transformation after the experience leads to conscious awakening or enlightenment.

Desai: For me, Samadhi is just a ladder moving me into a higher level of experience. I was attached to the Samadhi practice after a near-death experience during a car accident because it is indeed more beautiful than my current reality. Now, I let the desire go and focus on living every day as it comes. I understand now that experiencing a particular type of Samadhi does not release me from my current existence. It is just a reminder to me of being an eternal soul living on earth temporarily. It gives me comfort that there is no end to life because the ending is a new beginning.

Terry: I would like to share my understanding. Samadhi is just another experience, just as I had one level of experience as a child and another experience as an adult. I might experience the same things differently at different points in my life. I am moving from one level of experience to another in a much more meaningful and profound sense, but it is still just another level of experience. Someone may go into a specific state of Samadhi and stay there for years because it is enjoyable without the limitations of space or time. Samadhi state can break physical and psychological barriers to some extent. But this is only temporary. The moment I come out of the deep conscious state, I get hungry, have to sleep, and everything comes back again.

Lama: Samadhi experience opens up a new dimension for me, but it does not guarantee my spiritual transformation. I still need to live a present life with exactly whatever I have to do to stay alive, healthy, and independent. I still live in this three-dimensional world, and even my experience level has deepened extensively. I see the same things or do the same work with much deeper senses. Samadhi saved me from being trapped in my world. About ten years ago, I went to a cave in India trying to create my universe there. I made everything by myself – my small planet, my kind of earth, literally I had lived in my universe inside the cave for three years. Today, I looked back on those years; I can only laugh. There is no difference between living everyday life and staying inside a cave for an awakened soul.

Tina: I had a short Samadhi experience during a silence-retreat in Brazil. I made self-realization the top priority in my life after that moment. I even forgave my step-father, who abused me for years when I was a teenager. I let go of the deep wounds in my heart. I meditate at least two times a day to let myself be in peace and calm. I still enjoy life but without attachment or resentment anymore. I cannot say I am enlightened, but I know I am on the right track.

To Be Continued.


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